New CO Recycling Program


New Colorado Recycling Program Helps Homeowners

Colorado is set to launch a groundbreaking statewide recycling program that will make recycling free for all residents. The initiative, known as the Producer Responsibility Program, was initially passed two years ago and recently received final approval from state lawmakers for implementation. This program mandates that companies using single-use packaging for their products will pay a fee, which will cover the costs of providing curbside recycling services to everyone who currently has access to curbside trash pickup.

Advocates of the program emphasize the dual purpose of the fee: to encourage producers to reduce packaging and to support the state’s recycling infrastructure. A needs assessment revealed that about 500,000 more households will gain access to curbside recycling in municipalities, with an additional 100,000 to 200,000 households benefiting in other areas! The program also aims to extend free recycling to multi-family housing units, which currently lack convenient recycling options.

The hope is the program will significantly reduce plastic pollution. While some industry critics argue that the program might increase consumer costs, it has been pointed out that similar initiatives in Europe and Canada have not led to significant price hikes. Instead, the financial burden shifts from local governments to producers, potentially alleviating current taxpayer costs.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment will oversee the program, ensuring that producers bear the financial responsibility without passing costs to consumers. The program aims to boost recycling rates for paper and packaging from 25% to 58% by 2035. Implementation details are being finalized, with expectations that residents will start experiencing free recycling services by January 2026 and small businesses following within two years.

Environmental leaders highlight the importance of “ecomodulation,” where fees are adjusted based on the recyclability of packaging materials. This initiative ensures that non-recyclable materials like polystyrene are discouraged through higher fees. The goal is to maintain community choice and ensure collected materials are responsibly recycled. The program’s progress can be tracked through the Producer Responsibility Program webpage, with full implementation expected after a plan proposal is approved by February 2025. 

With the increased availability to residences in the area to help do their part, small businesses can also do their part by recycling their cardboard packing with a baler and a great cardboard bale pickup system!