Cardboard Recycling Myths


Cardboard Recycling Myths Debunked: A Guide for Small Business Owners


Recycling cardboard is an essential practice for any environmentally conscious small business, but numerous misconceptions can deter even the most well-intentioned entrepreneurs. Understanding the truth about cardboard recycling can help businesses implement more effective recycling programs and contribute positively to the environment. In this post, we’ll debunk some of the most common myths about cardboard recycling with facts and evidence.

Myth 1: All Cardboard is Recyclable, No Matter the Condition

A prevalent misconception is that all cardboard can be recycled regardless of its condition. While cardboard is highly recyclable, it must be clean and dry to be processed effectively. Cardboard contaminated with food, oil, or other substances can compromise the recycling process. For instance, a greasy pizza box should not go into the recycling bin. However, the clean parts of such boxes can still be recycled. Ensuring that cardboard is free from contaminants before recycling helps maintain the integrity of the recycling stream.

Myth 2: Recycling Cardboard Uses More Energy Than It Saves

Some business owners believe that recycling cardboard consumes more energy than producing new cardboard. This is not true. Recycling cardboard saves about 24% of the energy needed to make new cardboard from raw materials. Additionally, recycling one ton of cardboard saves over nine cubic yards of landfill space and reduces the need for deforestation. These savings highlight the environmental benefits of recycling beyond just energy conservation.

Myth 3: Cardboard Recycling Isn’t Economically Viable for Small Businesses

Another common myth is that cardboard recycling is too costly or complex for small businesses. In reality, many municipalities and recycling companies offer affordable or even free recycling programs for businesses. Moreover, reducing waste disposal costs by diverting cardboard from the trash can result in significant savings. Implementing a simple, well-organized recycling system can be economically beneficial while enhancing a company’s sustainability profile.

Myth 4: Small Amounts of Cardboard Don’t Make a Difference

Some small business owners think their contributions are too insignificant to matter. However, every piece of recycled cardboard contributes to the broader recycling effort. When small businesses collectively recycle, the cumulative impact can be substantial. For example, recycling just one ton of cardboard can save 17 trees and 7,000 gallons of water. Small actions can lead to significant environmental benefits over time.

Debunking these myths about cardboard recycling can empower small business owners to make informed decisions about their waste management practices. By understanding the facts and implementing effective recycling programs, businesses can not only reduce their environmental footprint but also realize potential cost savings. Cardboard recycling is a simple yet powerful way for small businesses to contribute to a more sustainable future.  Call Greene Recycling and start your cardboard bale pickup route today!