Does Recycling Cardboard Help?
When it comes to sustainability efforts, small businesses may feel like drops in the ocean compared to corporate giants. But here’s the truth: every eco-conscious decision, no matter how small the enterprise, matters. One such impactful decision? Recycling cardboard.
Why cardboard, you ask? Well, let’s break it down.
Cardboard isn’t just your average recyclable. It’s convenient, easy to store, bale, and transport. Unlike bulky scrap or odd-shaped plastics, cardboard keeps its value longer and breaks down completely, making it an ideal candidate for recycling.
Implementing an efficient cardboard recycling program can yield significant environmental benefits.
Did you know that recycling one ton of cardboard can save around 17 trees? That’s a considerable impact, especially when you consider that many businesses produce loads of cardboard waste. Grocery chains, manufacturers, and distribution centers, for instance, can make a substantial dent in their carbon footprint by recycling their cardboard.
By recycling cardboard, you’re not just saving trees; you’re also reducing CO2 emissions. Manufacturing new paper from virgin trees consumes significantly more energy than using recycled feed stock. So, for every ton of cardboard recycled, you could potentially save around 1 ton of CO2 emissions.
The process of creating wood pulp from virgin trees requires thousands of gallons of water. By opting for cardboard recycling, you’re conserving precious water resources. In fact, recycling just one ton of cardboard can save up to 7,000 gallons of water.
Landfills are already bursting at the seams, and cardboard waste only adds to the problem. But by recycling cardboard, you’re freeing up valuable landfill space. For every ton of cardboard recycled, you could save up to three cubic yards of landfill space.
Aside from the environmental benefits, cardboard recycling can also make good business sense. In many cases, sending cardboard to the landfill can be more expensive than recycling it. Depending on your business’s volume, recycling cardboard could even become a significant revenue stream.
Ready to make a difference? Start by implementing a cardboard recycling program in your small business. It may take a bit of time and effort to get your staff on board, but the benefits—both environmental and financial—are well worth it. Together, let’s make a big impact—one cardboard box at a time and schedule your cardboard bale pickup today!