New Mill in Kentucky


New Mill in Kentucky

At the end of 2023 Pratt Industries, Inc. has inaugurated its cutting-edge $700 million recycled paper mill and corrugated box factory in Henderson, Kentucky. The new mill is said to operate as a 100% recycled entity, contributing to the preservation of natural resources by saving the equivalent of an impressive 25,000 trees daily.

Anthony Pratt, Executive Chairman of Pratt Industries, underscored the company’s deep-seated pride in this landmark accomplishment. He emphasized Pratt Industries’ overarching commitment to investing in recycling and clean energy infrastructure across the United States. Pratt acknowledged Governor Beshear’s pivotal role in facilitating the establishment of the Kentucky facility, acknowledging the creation of 325 green-collar manufacturing positions.
“We are sitting in what I believe is the cleanest, greenest recycled paper mill on planet Earth,” said Governor Andy Beshear said. “That is right here in Henderson, Kentucky.”

The impact of this enterprise extends far beyond the confines of the factory walls. The Henderson paper mill, boasting a colossal paper machine capable of producing 1500 tons of recycled paper daily, will serve as a vital supplier to Pratt’s converting plants nationwide. More mills in more areas means recycling becomes even more affordable, with easier access to mills driving down the costs required to transport. More affordable costs associated with recycling then mean better cardboard bale pickup returns for you!